Lord Itachi

Info Level Experience Last seen
Lord Itachi

Voc: Elder Druid
Premium status: No
305 -1 468,266,500 -4,605,700 2024-03-29 01:05:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
117 26 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 36 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-03-30 10:37:41 306 a hellbound bloodwalker and by a hellbound bonetamer
2024-02-24 21:24:10 293 nero, by ritz, by a creeper, by a mythra worshipper, by a grim reaper, by synthetic, by a mythra guardian and by a mutated human
2024-02-24 16:52:44 293 drullenullepulle, by malfurion stormrage, by sir baron, by broke moke, by lemonaja, by plattkorvmedmakaroner, by nut bustugh and by freecss
2024-02-23 11:49:03 292 a medusa and by a draken elite
2024-02-22 17:21:40 292 kensay, by oxism, by ritz, by iceberg slim, by a elder dragon lord and by a dragon lord
2024-02-21 17:59:39 292 leito corleone, by lone'ly, by smithson and by war tochoxx is back
2024-02-21 17:35:15 293 crespacho, by avenger style, by leito corleone, by smithson, by dieme-retired-forever, by a dragon lord, by an undead dragon and by miserable wvaldo superior
2024-02-21 16:55:17 293 a elder dragon lord
2024-02-21 10:59:56 293 madara uchiiha, by juanchiss, by tilin tilin and by loowis
2024-02-20 01:20:05 293 a elder dragon lord
2024-02-17 10:34:20 293 toy cazando aqui, by kamiikaze pakiistan, by liloman, by a dragon lord and by leito massacre
2024-02-17 04:31:15 293 lone'ly, by toy cazando aqui and by melanie
2024-02-16 22:04:30 293 kamiikaze pakiistan, by blue wall, by iceberg slim, by kyrios, by smithson, by leito corleone, by jomy, by toy cazando aqui, by liloman, by merry show, by yeri mua, by mucryx and by comandante backside
2024-02-16 21:50:44 294 crespacho, by jomy, by pally of detruption, by smithson, by toy cazando aqui, by leito corleone, by iceberg slim and by kamiikaze pakiistan
2024-02-16 21:22:51 295 crespacho, by blue wall, by black abyss, by leito corleone, by pwe, by iceberg slim, by merry show, by jomy and by kamiikaze pakiistan
2024-02-15 23:55:59 293 wishing well, by yeshua el dios, by spinal, by black abyss, by ing salinas, by mr dollar, by ruler, by division oriente and by yeshua
2024-02-13 19:13:36 291 rektless, by leito corleone, by english style, by blnt, by pally of detruption, by rillzor, by ritz, by dinok, by fr-espyy, by humble cadet, by merry show, by iceberg slim and by broke moke
2024-02-10 22:28:13 291 dinok, by black abyss, by leito corleone, by smithson, by ozzcariin, by show off, by subdito, by krem dela'kreme homie, by tutuk, by crespacho, by melanie and by merry showz
2024-02-10 22:21:11 292 show off, by dinok, by tutuk and by smithson
2024-02-07 10:04:46 290 ruler, by a deadly spider, by liloman and by a tarantula
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2024-06-29 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-28 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-27 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-26 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-25 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-24 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
2024-06-23 09:00:00 306 468,266,500
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2024-06-29 0 seconds
2024-06-28 0 seconds
2024-06-27 0 seconds
2024-06-26 0 seconds
2024-06-25 0 seconds
2024-06-24 0 seconds
2024-06-23 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-03-30 21:47:00 still online 90d 10h 23m 306
2024-03-30 20:51:00 2024-03-30 21:15:00 24m 306
2024-03-30 19:50:00 2024-03-30 20:35:00 45m 306
2024-03-30 19:19:00 2024-03-30 19:47:00 28m 306
2024-03-30 15:30:00 2024-03-30 18:20:00 2h 50m 306
2024-03-30 15:11:00 2024-03-30 15:13:00 2m 306
2024-03-30 05:30:00 2024-03-30 09:14:00 3h 44m 306
2024-03-30 04:28:00 2024-03-30 05:29:00 1h 1m 306
2024-03-30 02:15:00 2024-03-30 03:58:00 1h 43m 306
2024-03-29 17:53:00 2024-03-30 01:56:00 8h 3m 306
2024-03-29 15:46:00 2024-03-29 17:52:00 2h 6m 306
2024-03-29 14:44:00 2024-03-29 15:07:00 23m 306
2024-03-29 00:16:00 2024-03-29 09:14:00 8h 58m 305
2024-02-28 06:39:00 2024-02-28 08:03:00 1h 24m 298
2024-02-28 05:12:00 2024-02-28 06:13:00 1h 1m 298
2024-02-28 04:28:00 2024-02-28 04:31:00 3m 298
2024-02-28 00:21:00 2024-02-28 02:43:00 2h 22m 298
2024-02-27 16:00:00 2024-02-28 00:19:00 8h 19m 296
2024-02-27 06:04:00 2024-02-27 09:12:00 3h 8m 296
2024-02-26 18:02:00 2024-02-26 20:21:00 2h 19m 295